Info de Reddit: Accommodations in Dominica
Article rédigé par /u/lostkarma4anonymity; Reddit.
Relayé sur le 5 octobre 2021 à 18h25:
Good Tidings!
Finally getting a 10-12 day trip underway in Spring 2022. I’ve been to the island once before, but only for 2 days and we stayed on a boat. Looking forward to more time. Ideally, we wanted to do segments of the Waitukubuli trail, but I’ve heard that may not be realistic anymore. We would still love switch up accommodations though, perhaps a day or two near the beach, a few nights camping, some rainforest nights. I’ve looked at VRBO and AirBnB but wanted to see if Reddit could recommend anything notable. We are trying to keep it under $150 a night and would prefer more « rustic » accommodations than resort accommodations. Are there camp sites that have tents provided or should we bring our own camping gear?
Any and all recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by /u/lostkarma4anonymity
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