Info de Reddit: beware word « private » rather accept good management – trinidad affairs

Article rédigé par /u/tikudz; Reddit.
Relayé sur le 19 juillet 2024 à 15h00:


Beware the word « private ».

A so and so PEP leader’s vision is replacing public health entirely with a private system for instance. The watch word is « MANAGEMENT ». In that lens the type of system is less an issue than its running. To health again the UK’s public NHS went private and crashed. The regarded Cuban is wholly public and we import its doctors. World number ONE France is PRIVATE BUT PUBLICLY FUNDED.

In that lens am sheltered saying that TT’s « dual tier » system, failing as it is can work – cover the expensive private health sector in a UNIVERSAL HEALTH SYSTEM such that the state pays most cost, hence very cheap for average joe and the rich. Control costs to the state by it standardizing prices for medicine and services.

Public sector has more hospitals and SPECIALIZED facilities built reducing need to go abroad; rude, inept doctors and staff, severely punished; older facilities spruced up. The reform makes CHOICE for the public and equal care.

Privatization guarantees nothing alone.

submitted by /u/tikudz
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