Info de Reddit: summary – trinidad crime – police reform in doable steps

Article rédigé par /u/tikudz; Reddit.
Relayé sur le 8 février 2023 à 16h11:


#trinidadandtobago ranks in the 10 worst crime states in the world. Its awash in PREVENTABLE crime. This morning a shopkeeper literally bit someone and threatened a woman who killed police – actually arrived unlike the MANY times I contacted them.

Much of below proven in LOW CRIME states like GERMANY.

Short notice

* psychologists accompany patrols to defuse situations.

* order all police members to take de-escalation class.

* punish all officers violating or abusing citizens or failing to respond or take any relevant action.

* hire officers from Norway and Finland to instruct in the immediate term to instill basic ideas about their techniques.

* initiate immediate plan to root out corruption.

* hire no more ex military – the mind set is aggression when social approach is called for. Remove any such cadet.

* Other cadet requirements – screening includes zero criminal record and examination by psychologist.

Long term

* with haste build a police UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH CENTER to raise education level to TERTIARY.

* hire the a fore mentioned outsiders to teach there. Who also design the university.

* all new officers must complete three year BACHELOR’S earning enough credits for a degree.

* MASTERS: the best bachelor holders are invited at once for the Masters. Other holders must work two years policing to qualify to apply.

submitted by /u/tikudz
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