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Relayé sur le 25 November 2024 à 22h53:
« Sunshine on our faces, laughter in the air
Jumping in puddles, not a single care
Running through the park, chasing butterflies
Sharing secrets whispered, under summer skies
We’re a team, a squad, a force of two
Always got each other, what else could we do?
Through thick and thin, we’re side by side
With a friendship like ours, there’s nowhere to hide
We’re unstoppable, we’re fearless, we’re free
We’re best friends forever, you and me
No matter what the world throws, we’ll always be
A symphony of laughter, a bond you can’t see
Building forts of pillows, singing off-key songs
Imagination soaring, where we belong
Dancing in the kitchen, midnight movie nights
Sharing dreams and wishes, under starry light
We’re a team, a squad, a force of two
Always got each other, what else could we do?
Through thick and thin, we’re side by side
With a friendship like ours, there’s nowhere to hide
We’re unstoppable, we’re fearless, we’re free……
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